Turkey Cracks
The first Sunday in October, I finally made it up to Turkey Rocks after several failed attempts. The 4×4 road to the rock was pretty gnarly and I met Dave about halfway there.
The rocks are a granite outcropping with several sub-areas, we went to Turkey Perch. You hike up to the saddle of the rocks, and then take the south east trail. It was pretty crowded on Sunday, I was really surprised given the remoteness of the rocks. Anyhow, we set up shop below the main cliff of the perch. All of the routes that I wanted to warm up on were occupied, so we jumped right on a 5.8 (reefer madness). This was a really cool crack climb, it starts with solid handjams and arches left to thins out to fingers. It then finished out on a awkward bugle.
Next, we hopped on another 5.8 (left handed jew). This is a right corner crack that ate my right foot alive (and my ankle). The crack then dies out and you’re forced to transfer to another crack up and over a small roof. From here its solid pulls to the top. It was a nice sunny day, and my fist real experience climbing solid granite cracks, FUN FUN.