The weekend of July 4th, I scrambled to get my work done after some catastrophic failures in the office. This allowed me to venture off into the wilderness and test my mountain survival skills in the Chicago Basin. Continue reading “Chicago Basin (Windom and Sunlight) (14er)”
A passed Sunday, Z had a hunger for some cliff jumping. After using his extensive Interweb skillz he found one of the most legit areas for cliff jumping in
The cliff was nestled deep in the Mountains of Colorado, pass the roaming elk ranges, and the granite boulder fields. The hike was relatively short and through a nicely formed gorge. The path was well formed, but you could tell the this area was almost completely known to locals only.
The entire area was giant play ground for outdoors lovers. Steep Cliffs, waterfall, lush vegetation was abound in this area. The area was a giant bowel of water that had been carved out by the waterfall. The formations of the rock allowed people to jump from many different heights (ranging from 20-80ft).