It’s that time of year again, hunting, exploding pumpkins, intense bingo matches, mass amounts of turkey, firewood gathering, and maybe something a little random. It is Thanksgiving time! After being stuck working the day before thanksgiving for the 1st time in a long time, we made the haul from Charlotte at 5:30PM on Wed. With Car pizza, (the greatest thing ever) we made it up to Crabtree, in about 7hr 15 mins, really good time.
Trip to Snowmass (part 2)

On the second morning, we decided that we weren’t going to do the full 4 pass loop, but we still wanted to see the next basin over the 2nd pass. So we were off early in the morning to see Trail Rider Pass. Without our 40lbs (which we left at base camp) we made very good time and speed.