Over Labor Day weekend, I tagged along with Ben to go on a camping trip. The trip was initially set to hike the 4 pass loop in the Maroon Bells/Snowmass area. The total trip was to be a 28-29 mile slog, but do to some injuries along the way we decide to just to an out and back to the Snowmass Lake only 24 miles.
The trip started from the Maroon Bells View area (9,580 feet). This was a heavily touristed area, and allowed the visitors to Aspen a chance to see some of \the true ruggedness of the range. The first couple miles of the trail took us to crater lake. This trail was frequented by the very prolific species that is the the”Aspen Cougar”. Walking up the trail, you felt the constant glare of the predatory species. Amanda (Ben’s Girlfriend) received numerous compliments from the Cougars for hiking with “3 young men.”
After passing, crater lake we began the trek up Buckskin Passing. The trail led through several avalanche fields, with its broken aspens and up rooted pines. The trail wound its ways up the basin till the summit of 12,462 feet. Upon reaching the top we were greeted by a family of mountain goats. The leader sauntered up close to us. His goal; to eat some grass and to try to mooch some food off us. A little one also tried to do the same, but big would have none of it.
After some photo-ops, we continued down to the Snowmass wilderness area. The hike down (always the worst) gnawed on my knees , but the vistas were really awesome. Alittle ways down, Ben realized he left on of his hiking poles at the Top. So he had to run back up and get it. I tried to both his and my backpacks, down the hill, but only made it a couple hundred yards, 70lbs and two pack is a bit awkward.
The bottom of the next basin was a head water of Snowmass creek. Apparently the beavers had made their way up to the highlands, and damn the creek right above a very large water fall. We stopped only for a bit, but I could tell this was prime fishing territory. So we continued to Snowmass lake, with my sulking, we travel through a very massive pine forest. The tree were extremely huge, especially for the elevation. We setup camp below the lake in a Pika infested area. While setting up and gatherin firewood, all we could hear was the piercing sounds of “ME ,ME.” Afterwards, we adventure to the lake to take in some of the views and fish.
We made are way back to camp and had a very good feast of soup and meat log next to are ragging fire.
View of the Trailhead Climb up Buckskin Big Goat walking towards us waiting at the top Ben Snapping a pic Family of goats King goat Cascades and Logs waterfall from the Lake the first view from the lake getting firewood water shimmer fishing Edgeling pine surveying the basin
wow those pictures are amazing… these are the reasons I wish I lived out west.. “King Goat” photo is ridiculous
thanks. yea the goats were definitely a surprise. I like it cause you can see the Lake we camped at, and another one of the passes, we climbed.
“was to be a 28-29 mile slog…” that is a pretty long penis. I imagine it would take a while to ride.
very mature barnoff.