Approach up to to Sauratown for Climbing
I missed all the fun and festivities last when the CCC (Carolina Climbing Coalition) got access restore to the Sauratown Cliffs. This year it was made a point to get out there before things would close down. Also, if you somehow wandered to this post for Sauratown Beta (through google or other devilish search engineering methods), give the CCC a few bucks for getting access restored.
Pilot Mountain: Day Trip
Nice weather in December, you can’t pass up the opportunity to get outside and do something. Alexis, John Lee, and I drove up to pilot after a nice and slow start to the day. The Sun was shining and temps were rising, so we had a nice day ahead of us.
The Dump, NC
Unwritten Law – Hanging at the chains
Brisk November morning, I picked KC up at his apartment and we made the drive out to Blowing Rock, NC to climb at the Dump. Word was that this was good winter crag that gets southern sun, and gasp, it may actually have some bolted sport routes!