Gates into the canyon
The first weekend of June ended up being a whirlwind tour of climbing across the front range of Colorado. I started in the cold morning winds of Eldorado Canyon and finished in the baking-smoke filled sun of Shelf Road.
Travels and Vagabonds
Gates into the canyon
The first weekend of June ended up being a whirlwind tour of climbing across the front range of Colorado. I started in the cold morning winds of Eldorado Canyon and finished in the baking-smoke filled sun of Shelf Road.
Spring Adventures
Mid April there was a jam packed weekend of adventures, mountain biking and climbing. The whirlwind weekend was a lot of fun, but draining on both my mental and physical energy. Continue reading “Colorado Springs – Cheyenne Climbing/ Rampart Mt Biking”
Down in Eldo
The Sunday after snowcaving we headed to Eldo canyon for some relaxing climbing. It was a awesome day and I got some nice pictures of future climbs I hope to do. We headed up to the cartoon crag, which is a underused rock in Eldo, to practice more trad placement. Continue reading “Eldorado Canyon – Cartoon Crag”
Practice Gear
This weekend, the weather was good enough to make a trip up to Boulder to meet Ben for some world class trad climbing. Just south of the flatirons in Boulder is Eldorado Canyon, home to the mecca off climbing. My visit was brief, but I’m sure I’ll be back again soon after experiencing some great rock. Continue reading “Climbing in Eldorado Canyon”
Up to the First
Mr. Nick Fischer came out to Colorado for some fun activities and fine beer drinking. I only met up with him for a couple days but was still able to give him a good quick winter experience.
First Flatiron
Back in Boulder again, I suggested to Ben that we climb the 1st flatiron before the weather started to turn and before the rock would be closed for raptor nesting. The approach we had planed was the direct route of the east face. This normally ends up being about 7-10 pitches (depending on your rope length and how ballsy you are).
Flatirons of Boulder
The Flatirons of Boulder beckoned me again this August. Ben had planned out a climb of another one of the five most recognized flatirons in Boulder. There was also talk about trying another climb, but we wouldn’t know until the day of the climb. The task ahead for the weekend would be 4-5 pitches on the Seal, and cracky 5.8 high on the ridge. Continue reading “Boulder: Trad Climbing Seal Rock and Devil’s Thumb”
The weekend Ben finally got his “new” 4runner, he invited me up to do some climbing in boulder and look as his car. Let me go on a little bit about Ben’s car. This car fits him perfectly. This car can now finally handle his driving style, and lifestyle. Continue reading “Climbing the 3rd Flat Iron.”