Snowy 14er
Saturday 29th, I climbed Mount Bierstadt with Kyle Barnoff. This was a very late season, if not a winter attempt on a 14er. Not knowing that this was going to be the first 14er for Kyle, it turned out to be a memorable one none the less.
Travels and Vagabonds
Snowy 14er
Saturday 29th, I climbed Mount Bierstadt with Kyle Barnoff. This was a very late season, if not a winter attempt on a 14er. Not knowing that this was going to be the first 14er for Kyle, it turned out to be a memorable one none the less.
Monarch Mt is a true old school mountain. The mountain only had 1 regular speed quad, and the rest are only doubles. This is not your typical I-70 ski resort. Monarch is right on a the infamous monarch pass, where last year during a snowy-ice storm my 4-wheel drive decided to go out and we were force to take refuge in a old closed hotel. Continue reading “Monarch Mountain”