The weekend Ben finally got his “new” 4runner, he invited me up to do some climbing in boulder and look as his car. Let me go on a little bit about Ben’s car. This car fits him perfectly. This car can now finally handle his driving style, and lifestyle.May the old accord rest in piece and in pieces, but the BEATER 4runner now name GRENDLE will fair a bit better on the terrain Ben likes to drive and how he drives it. The previous made several cosmetic changes to the vehicle, which great improves it presence. From removing the old roof rack and replacing it with weld steel bars, to every busted out light on the front of the car, to speed dents on the side, to the oldly smelling carpet, this vehicle was made to turn heads. Anyways its Ben’s new project and i showed him the value of auto salvage yards. (also he need some crash course driving on how to use a manual, but shhhhhh).
Anyways, this was to be our first time really attempting a trad lead climb. Trad climbing is a whole other scary world of climbing. It involves the use of cams, nuts, hexs, and webbing, which you have to place into the rock to protect yourself if you fall. This climb involved 6 pitches of climbing, but was relativily easy. Experience Climber normally solo this route, but since Ben and myself never really Trad climbing before, we want to set a nice baseline for ourselves. Plus it was some really juggy sandstone holds, so we couldn’t fuck up to badly.
The climb was very fun, and you really had to have you mind focused. There was one point when we were climbing the CU football game was starting the Air Re-fueling jetting was doing a fly over of the near by stadium. IT just so happened that we were high than the plane when it flew by. This was a great classic climb and i hope to solo it one day.