Corporations. What’s it like being absorbed into the money making life fuel that powers the capitalist machine? OK enough of the ramblings of the economic versifier, let talk about JETS!. Yeah, jets. Jets are the power toys of the Corporate elite. They are marketed to a couple different groups of clientele. First, you have the typical rich person who desires the need to fly to their different homes, vacations spots, or to Italy for dinner. Next are the competitive CEO types, which amounts to a basic pissing contest between one another of who got the biggest baddest toys. Lastly is my favorite the globe trotting playboy, a man who needs the means to fly to exotic locals, to sweep away gorgeous vixens.
I’d like my experience was the latter, because that would make a much better story. However, my
experience was with the ordinary corporate jet. Last week, my friend Alison needed dropped off at the airport. I was volunteered (no, I did not say “I volunteered”) to drive her to the airport, because everyone had other “stuff” to do at 7 AM on their day off for the 4 of July (I am superfriend). But little did the others know what they would miss.
As I picked up Alison early in the morning, still groggy from (accidentally) watching back to back flicks culminating with IMAX transformers (very good, rawr, Megan Fox) the night before, I learned that I not going to the commercial airline terminal, but instead I am headed to the Corporate Jet Center. I was instantly awakened from my half eyed slumber. I pulled into the jet terminal, only to see barb-wire fence stopping me from driving right on to the tarmac. My hopes were slightly dashed. However, curiosity pushed me further. We went inside to check-in, and low and behold the pilot was just hanging out drinking some coffee. I could tell right off the bat this was a chill dude. He noticed that we were early, and after some sweet talking, he asked if we wanted to check out the plane. I definitely had a mental high-five moment at this point. Walking on to the terminal and beside the hanger, this is what I basically saw.
The jet was seriously plush – complete with the red carpet rolled out for me. Immediately I noticed the personalized initials on the wings and tail, they exuded classiness and I could have sworn they really formed a capital N (for nevko, duh). As soon as I boarded the jet, I was immediately graced with a fully stocked bar. Including champagne (no Andre here), the finest liquors, and tuna for the in-flight meal. The cabin had fine wood inlay and flush mounted lcd tvs. Unknowingly, I took a seat in “the BOSS’S” chair. Man this chair was awesome. I think there was more cushion in that seat, than all the lazyboys in the world. For a few moments, I felt naturally at home, like a BOSS.
After talking with the pilot and co-pilot for awhile, they convinced me to checkout the cockpit. Always sucker for people in uniform (ladies hint hint), I was instantly swayed. This thing was like a real-life flight simulator. All the knobs, buttons, levers, and pedals were all there. I definitely played with yoke and rudders, which made me think of changing careers. Then the pilot came in and started up the engines. Immediately, all the gauges came to life making this a truely real experience. After having my fun, I decided to figure what use this plane actually gets. From what I gathered, the owners normally fly to 3 places; Aspen, Maimi, and Italy, and the flight from COS to ATL normally takes about 2.5 hrs. This thing was a cruiser and the owner where apparently very unassuming about being extensively well to do.
That pretty much rapped up my 1st experience on a corporate jet. I hope its not the last. I’ll leave you with some specs of this machine.
Name: Falcon 2000
Manufacturer: Dassault-Falcon Speed: Mach .8 Capacity: 8 seats. (lots of leg room) Range 3,800 nautical miles. Price: $20,000,000 |
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Plane in Flight Taking control of the Cockpit Throttle up Flight Manual Gauges off The red carpet Allison getting sucked into an engine Umbrella Storage- very important. Stuck outside for now My plane awaits for me Plushness at it best The Boss Dodads and switches The cabin Alison boarding Full power, clear runway A-1 The fully stocked bar.
I looooove jets. I am super jealous that you got to check out a Falcon! Super sick plane btw… that plane is worth the money.
Yea the plane was awesome, really made we want to change careers and get my jet certification and licenses.